Today, October 23rd, HEMS's STEM teacher, Mr. Lynch, took two of our 8th graders, Parker Rose and Katlynn Reynolds, to an engineering and catering competition. The event was hosted by the West Virginia Department of Education and held at Mountwest Community and Technical College. Competitors were various high-school and technical schools from around the state.
The competition was based off of the Netflix show Baking Impossible, where bakers are presented with an "impossible" task. Our students' task was to create a cake that could withstand an earthquake. Competitors had to use their knowledge of the culinary arts and their knowledge of engineering principles to create their masterpiece.
HEMS partnered with Huntington High School Pro-Start. HHS handled the baking, Parker and Katlynn handled the engineering, with guidance provided by Mr. Lynch. HEMS is currently the only middle school to ever compete.
HEMS did incredible! We were the First Runner-Up! The HEMS STEM program won a $2,000 grant and our very own Shake Table!
Mr. Lynch reports that everyone involved with the competition was so impressed with the students' professionalism and engineering designs. Please join us in congratulating Parker and Katlynn!
Included is a link below if you'd like to watch the full competition, the HEMS/HHS portion begins at 1:38.