
  • Pre-K Requirements
    DTAP, IPV, MMR, Varicella and Hepatitis B immunizations are required for students entering Pre-K in all West Virginia schools. The form under Health Forms and Information contains the specific requirements from the Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR).

    K-12 Requirements
    DTAP, IPV, MMR, Varicella and Hepatitis B immunizations are required for students entering K-12 in all West Virginia schools. The form under Health Forms and Information contains the specific requirements from the Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR).

    7th and 12th Grade Immunizations
    TDAP and MCV4 immunizations are required for students entering 7th and 12th grades in all West Virginia schools. The form under Health Forms and Information contains the specific requirements from the Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR).

    Tuberculosis tests are no longer required for students entering school for the first time within or outside the state. 


  • All medications, including over the counter medications, must be prescribed by your child's physician and the medication administration log form must be returned to school before medication will be given by school personnel.

    Parent/guardian must sign parental permission on the medication administration log form before medication will be given by school personnel.

    A new medication log must be presented for any changes and/or discontinuation of any medication. Verbal orders from the parent are not legal and will not be accepted.

    The medication is to be brought to the school by the parent or other responsible adult in a properly labeled container from the pharmacy or manufacturer. You may want the pharmacy to label two containers: one for home and one for school.

    The parent is responsible for picking up the child's medication on the last day of school. Any medication that is not picked up on the last day will be discarded.

    A new medication log is required at the beginning of every school year,

    Emergency medication (inhalers, insulin, EpiPen, pancreatic enzymes, etc.) for life threatening conditions, for all grade levels, fall under additional guidelines. Refer to the Authorization of Self Administration of Medication form.

    Students in grades 9-12 may self-administer prescription or non-prescription medication provided that certain conditions are met:

    • a medication log must be completed by the physician and also signed by the parent
    • parent must sign an authorization for self-administration of medication form
    • school nurse must be reasonably assured that student is capable of taking his/her own medication
    • medication, up to 3 day supply, must be kept in a properly labeled container and on their person or in their locker
    • failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in loss of privilege to self medicate and student may be subjected to disciplinary action

    If student violates the policy regarding medication administration, action will be based upon the WV Board of Education policy 4373-Student Code of Conduct and/or WV Board of Education policy 2422.5-Substance Abuse.

    In accordance with standard nursing practice, the school nurse may refuse to administer or allow to be administered any medication which, based on his/her judgment, has the potential to be harmful, dangerous, or inappropriate. In these cases, the parent/guardian and 百花视频 provider shall be notified immediately by the school nurse.

Health Forms & Information