• UPDATE AS OF July 18, 2024

    The TEAS exam is required for entry into the program. A score of 57 must be attained to be eligible for an enrollment packet. There are many study resources available online by doing a Google search. The exam is $90 (cash/check/money order). The application and payment for the TEAS exam must be submitted at least one week prior to the preferred exam date.

    If you have practical nursing credits that may transfer, please fax 304-528-5110.

    Our financial aid advisor, Ms. Clothier, is here on Tuesdays from 10:00 am-1:00 pm. You can apply for FAFSA online at



    If there are questions, please contact the Practical Nursing Department at 304-528-5106 x8022 
    or email Kelli Collins kncollins@k12.wv.us  


    FREE TEAS Prep resources available to students enrolled in our free Adult Ed Program