Mike McCormick (headshot)
  • Mike McCormick is a Technology Integration Specialist at 百花视频 County Career Technology Center who is a social media, digital media, and pop-culture enthusiast.  He started his teaching in 2005 as a middle school Social Studies teacher and got involved early on with creating Instruction Guides and the Teacher Leadership Institute.  In 2009, Mike transitioned from the classroom into the role of Technology Integration Specialist.  His love of video and digital media earned him a position as a digital storytelling instructor for the West Virginia Center of Professional Development and later became a lead instructor for the WVCPD's Infusing Technology program. 

    For the last several years, Mike was a Technology Specialist at Lincoln County High School and was an active member of the school's leadership team and the LCHS Positive Behavior, Intervention, and Support team, which focuses on rewarding students for academics, attendance, and good behavior.  Mike was also the College Summit/PeerForward team advisor.  His team of juniors and seniors worked toward changing the school's college going culture toward taking a serious look at post-secondary planning.  His team helped students complete FAFSA applications, and helped students find and apply to colleges, secondary programs, and trade programs that work for them.  He lead another team of Agriculture/FFA students and Project Lead the Way/Computer Science students to work on solving local poblems through a grant from the Lemelson-MIT Foundation where the students presented their project at EurekaFest on the campus of MIT in Cambridge, MA. 

    He also supervisied a grant from the Education Alliance, which brought a MakerSpace to Lincoln County High School where students work with 3D printers, laser engravers, and other technologies to instill an entrepreneurial spirit and a STEM mindset.  At the begining of the pandemic he worked with other CTE Instructors and WVDE staff to convert the school's MakerSpace into a PPE production facility where he and his team of volunteers made thousands of personal protective pieces of equipment for local hospitals and area facilities.  In July of 2021 he took a position as a Technology Specialist in 百花视频 County at the 百花视频 County Career Technology Center.  He still coordinates a STEM camp for the Army JROTC program at Camp Dawson each summer.

    Currently, if you are a student or parent of a student at the 百花视频 County Career and Technology Center (CCCTC) and need help with looking up account info for programs like Office365 or Schoology, MacBook Distribution/troubleshooting, website updates, or anything else technology related, please do not hesitate to call or email with your questions. 

    phone: 304.528.5106 ext. 315
    email: mmccormick@k12.wv.us