Technology and Information Systems

  • Technology and Information Systems is responsible for the planning, data accuracy and integration, maintenance, and replacement of all digital tools and systems for 百花视频 County Schools.

    Vision: Execute innovation with technology and information in all facets.

    Mission: Deliver excellent opportunities for learning employing digital tools and information.

    1. Provide equitable access to digital devices for every student.
    2. Develop skills in all personnel to integrate technology, information, and applications to empower student and teacher learning.
    3. Drive the migration to digital materials through a learning management system and alternatives to facilitate consistent access and develop communication for all users.
    4. Maintain and upgrade infrastructure for unfettered approaches to learning.

    Priorities for the department:
    1. Instigate and maintain the transfer across the school system digital functionality to enhance learning, productivity, and expansion.
    2. Maintain a consistent upgrade or update cycle for deployments of end-user devices to prepare students with college and career-ready skills and inspire teachers with transformative learning objectives.
    3. Deliver a sound budget to plan deployments of student devices, upgrades to the network, and maintenance of systems.
    4. Upgrade and preserve access and security systems for school safety.
    5. Develop technology personnel skills and roles to adapt to the changing ecosystem pertaining to management, repairs, and expansion of integrated systems.