• Exciting Things at CCE

    Here at CCE we have all kinds of fun and exciting things that we love to do for and with our students. Check out this page along with our Principal's Challenge page and see all of the fun we have here at Cougar Nation!

Halloween Parade

  • HPD K-9s Visit 2nd Grade

    Some officers of the HPD and HPD K-9 Unit came and spoke to our 2nd grade students about saying NO to drugs, who to call in an emergency, and demonstrated the abilities of their K-9 dogs. Wow! What a presentation! A big "Thank You" to the HPD not only for their presentation, but also for Protecting and Serving our community sacrificially! #CCECougarNation ##DifferenceMakers #MomentsMatter


  • Mrs. Jessica Huff

    We had the privilege here at CCE to host Mrs. Jessica Huff, wife of Marshall University Football Head Coach Charles Huff, to speak to our third, fourth, and fifth grade students. Her focus was on "Being a better version of yourself." She challenged our students to do 3 important things everyday: 1) Eat a good breakfast, 2) Make your bed, and 3) tell someone that you love them and/or are thankful for them. She inspired and motivated not only our intermediate students but also our staff. Thank you, Mrs. Huff! You are now and forever a part of Cougar Nation! #CCECougarNation #MomentsMatter #BeaDifferenceMaker

  • New Playground Equipment

    Our lower playground is now equipped with a Gaga Pit thanks to some wonderful volunteers! Love Your Block made this project a reality through their funding. A Huge Thank You goes out to Bree Shell (Love Your Block), Gwyn Pierson (Assistant Principal at Spring Hill), Matt Adkins (PE Teacher at Spring Hill), Nina Roberts (CCE Teacher), and Mikal Blankenship (Nina's son) for your work to make this a reality for our students! Just one more project that students and community members can enjoy on our playground! #CCECougarNation #DifferenceMakers #MomentsMatter

  • Difference Maker Basketball Clinic

    Our students participated in a Difference Maker Basketball Clinic at Huntington High School on November 20th. We had fantastic coaches like our own Mr. Sowards, Coach Mike Thomas (HMS coach) and Coach Ty Holmes (HHS Coach) as well as some atheletes from HMS and HHS volunteering their time with our students. They learned a lot about basketball, but they also learned about being a Difference Maker every day. Special Thanks to Ashely 百花视频store and Generations Physical Therapy for their financial support to make this happen!

  • St. Cloud's Inclusive Playground

    Some of our students in Ms. Bekah's class got to enjoy the beautiful weather while having fun and socializing at St. Cloud's Inclusive Playground. Such a nice resource to have in our area!