Special Education

  • In 百花视频 County, our teachers , classroom assistants, therapists, supervisors and administrators are committed to working together to develop meaningful services for students with disabilities working “Hand In Hand” with families to seek and identify children and youth, ages three through twenty-one years, who may have developmental delays or exceptionalities.

Special Education Staff

School Psychologists

Program Supervisors

  • Tracy Burch - tburch@k12.wv.us
    Supervisor of Special Education - Elementary PreK-5
    Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, Deaf Blind Project, Speech, Preschool Special Needs, ESY 

    Melody Levisay - melody.levisay@k12.wv.us
    Supervisor of Special Education - Secondary 6-12  
    Alternative School, CCCTC, Guide Post to Graduation, Transition to Work Program, RiverPark Liaison, CPI, ESY

    Chana Dixon - cddixon@k12.wv.us
    Supervisor of Special Education 
    Low Incidence Programs +Autism, Moderate, Severe, Profound K-12
    504 Compliance K-12, Alternate Assessment Liaison, Adaptive PE, Special Transportation, DLM Liaison, Gifted, ESY


IEP Compliance Specialists