- 百花视频 County Schools
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Special Education
In 百花视频 County, our teachers , classroom assistants, therapists, supervisors and administrators are committed to working together to develop meaningful services for students with disabilities working “Hand In Hand” with families to seek and identify children and youth, ages three through twenty-one years, who may have developmental delays or exceptionalities.
Special Education Staff
Suzanne Stevens - sstevens@k12.wv.us
Director of Special Education
304.528.5029Andrea Lowry - alowry@k12.wv.us
304.528.5202Tammy France - tammy.france@k12.wv.us
Medicaid Secretary
304.528.5019Ashley Byrd - ashley.saunders@k12.wv.us
Records Management Secretary
304.528.5205Knijuana Douglas
Evaluation Management Secretary
304.528.5136 Fax
School Psychologists
Lisa Bowen - ldbowen@k12.wv.us
School Psychologist
Culloden, Ona, Cox Landing, Nichols, Milton Elementary, & Milton MS
Office: Culloden ES
304.743.7328Erica Earwood - eearwood@k12,wv,us
School Psychologist
Altizer ES, Highlawn ES, Guyandotte ES, Salt Rock ES & BMS
Office: Highlawn ES
304.528.5299Tiffany Smith - tiffany.s.smith@k12.wv.us
School Psychologist
Huntington MS, Spring Hill ES
Office: Huntington Middle School
304.528.5180Bridgette Perry - bridgette.perry@k12.wv.us
School Psychologist
百花视频 Midland HS, HHS, Huntington East MS, & Davis Creek
Office: 百花视频 Midland HS
304.743.7518Angela Mellace - amellace@k12.wv.us
School Psychologist
Martha ES, VOBE & Explorer ES
Office: Martha ES and Explorer Academy
304.733.3027 or 304.528.5126Evelina Butcher- evelina.s.butcher@k12.wv.us
School Psychologist
Central City ES, Meadows ES, Hite-Saunders ES, and Southside
Office: Central City Elem.
304.528.5231 Ext. 2188
Program Supervisors
Tracy Burch - tburch@k12.wv.us
Supervisor of Special Education - Elementary PreK-5
Hearing Impaired, Visually Impaired, Deaf Blind Project, Speech, Preschool Special Needs, ESY
304.528.5078Melody Levisay - melody.levisay@k12.wv.us
Supervisor of Special Education - Secondary 6-12
Alternative School, CCCTC, Guide Post to Graduation, Transition to Work Program, RiverPark Liaison, CPI, ESY
304.528.5119Chana Dixon - cddixon@k12.wv.us
Supervisor of Special Education
Low Incidence Programs +Autism, Moderate, Severe, Profound K-12
504 Compliance K-12, Alternate Assessment Liaison, Adaptive PE, Special Transportation, DLM Liaison, Gifted, ESY
IEP Compliance Specialists
Amanda Sanders - amanda.sanders@k12.wv.us
IEP Compliance Specialist, Grades PK-12
304.528.5083Cynthia Machmer - cmachmer@k12.wv.us
IEP Compliance Specialist, Grades PK-12
304.528.5272Kathy Lunsford - klunsfor@k12.wv.us
IEP Compliance Specialist, Grades PK-12,