- 百花视频 County Schools
- School Closing Codes
School Closing Codes
CVLA classes meet as regularly scheduled regardless of district weather code.
- ONE-HOUR DELAY for: teachers, aides, cooks, and student support staff
- REGULAR TIME for: Transportation Department, building administrators, school secretaries, custodians, Maintenance Department, and Central Office staff
The following employees REPORT to work (Reporting times in parenthesis):- 261-day administrators* (TWO-HOUR DELAY)
- Building head principals* (TWO-HOUR DELAY)
- Maintenance workers* (REGULAR TIME)
- Bus mechanics* (REGULAR TIME)
- Head custodians* (7:00 AM)
The following employees report only following the use of the sixth Outside Environment (OSE) Day (for Code Red or Code Blue):
- 261-day secretaries, accountants, auditors** (TWO-HOUR DELAY)
- 240-day employees** (Custodians 7:00 AM; All others TWO-HOUR DELAY
Employees not on the list will not report on any Code Red Day. However, if the district utilizes all six OSE Days, employees who have a contract in excess of 200 days will have their ending date extended by one day for each Code Red Day utilized beyond the six allocated days. These days are required to complete the duration of an employee’s contract in excess of 200 days. Following each day beyond the six scheduled OSE Days, employees will receive an updated work schedule with a revised last day of work.
*These employees are entitled to an OSE Recoupment Day for each Code Red Day worked, up to a maximum of six (6) OSE Days. OSE Recoupment Days (if any) must be utilized prior to the last day of June and may not be utilized on a day that requires the hiring of a substitute to cover the absence. To be eligible for an OSE Recoupment Day, the employee MUST be present on the Code Red Day. Employees cannot utilize a Personal Day, Sick Day, Emergency Day, or Vacation Day on that day, and later receive an OSE Recoupment Day.
**If circumstances dictate, a supervisor may call these employees to work during any of the first six Code Red Days. If these employees are asked to report and work on a Code Red Day, they will be eligible for an OSE Recoupment Day.
Students and employees DO NOT REPORT. ******Because the school district is closed, no employees will be eligible for OSE Recoupment Days.
No more than five Remote Learning NTID Days may be utilized per school year (WVBE Policy 3234).If a weather-related Remote Learning NTID Day is announced, students are provided assignments that can be accessed through Schoology by 10:00 AM. For specific instructions, visit the Remote Learning Day Instructions page located in the "Closings & Delays" section under the "Families" heading of the district’s website, www.cabellschools.com. If a Remote Learning Day cancelation is announced, the following will take place:
- All students will work remotely. Assignments should be available through Schoology by 10:00 AM.
- 百花视频 Virtual Learning Academy students will have classes as regularly scheduled.
- Administrators, custodians, and maintenance employees will report at the REGULAR TIME.
- All other professional and service employees will begin the workday on a TWO-HOUR DELAY. If they can assist students, complete staff development, or accomplish other assigned duties from home, these employees may work remotely. If they are not able to work remotely, they must report to their work sites.
- School personnel should be available by email and phone for student questions.
- Afternoon and evening custodians report to their work sites on a regular schedule.
Instructions for Substitutes- Day-to-day substitutes do not work when school is closed, or a Remote Learning Day is announced.
- Long-term substitutes are to report on the same schedules as the employee for which they are substituting for all codes.
- Long-term substitutes are those in the same position for at least 30 days and Workers' Compensation Shadows
If you have questions about student or employee assignments to be completed during a Remote Learning NTID Day, please contact your school.CVLA STUDENTS: CVLA classes meet as regularly scheduled regardless of district weather code.
Updated November 20, 2024