Military Families

  • 百花视频 County Schools welcomes and supports students of military families. We have partnered with the West Virginia Department of Education to provide resources and other helpful information for military families on our district and school websites.

Common Ground

  • Common Ground logo

    Partnering organizations focus on increasing the capacity of schools to ensure student success. By sharing each organization’s programs, opportunities, resources and information with schools, students will become aware of opportunities to serve as leaders within their communities and experience positive outcomes throughout their lives. This includes shared goals that all students will stay in school and graduate from high school, college and career ready. The partnership contributes to developing strong communities with a productive, civically active and well-educated workforce. The Common Ground website offers information supportive of schools, students and military families. You can find a link to the Common Ground website below.

Purple Star Award

  • Purple Star Award logo

    The Purple Star Award is a designation assigned to schools which display a special commitment to supporting military children and their families. Common Ground Partners review applications and the West Virginia Department of Education issues awards to schools meeting the award’s eligibility criteria. Schools receiving the award are issued an official certificate and additional electronic materials which may be used to pridefully display their status as a military-friendly school throughout the building. This award contributes to our partnership‘s efforts to build strong bonds between schools, military service members, and community organizations which meet the specialized needs of our children and enhance the success of all students. Follow the Purple Star website link below for more information.


    Reporting Family Service Members

    In order to better meet the needs of students who have a parent or guardian in active military service, 百花视频 County Schools is providing a way for families to report that information to our schools.

    We do not require you to report any information about parents, guardians, or other family members in the military, so anything you submit is voluntary.  The information will be entered into the West Virginia Education Information System (WVEIS) by the Information Systems Department of 百花视频 County Schools, where it will be available only to staff members of your student's school, the Central Office, and WV Department of Education with a legitimate educational need-to-know.

    Updates and changes can be provided by resubmitting this form, and previously submitted information will be removed by providing a request (in writing) to the Information Systems staff.  Questions and requests for removal may be emailed to Jeremy Baisden or Tammie Glover, the staff of the Information Systems Department.